Friday, May 8, 2015

Why Early Intervention? {BHSM Part 1}

Welcome to part one of my mini series on Better Hearing and Speech Month: Early Intervention! Like I said last week, this year's theme is Early Intervention Counts. The sooner therapy is started, the better the outcomes. So, why does it take as long as two years before a speech and/or language impairment is not only detected but acted on?

The simple answer- awareness!  45% of speech-language pathologists and audiologists believe that lack of awareness is the leading barrier to early detection. 57% of parents don't realize that without early detection, treatment takes longer and is more expensive. And as many as 64% of parents are unaware of the early signs to a speech and language disorder. 

Check out the info-graphic below to see how early intervention is transformative, efficient, necessary, and accessible

So what can we do? Spread the word! Help parents identify the signs of early speech and language disorders. Below are a few common signs of speech and language disorders. Find more at Identify the Signs
  • Doesn't smile or interact with others (birth +)
  • Doesn't babble (4-7 months)
  • Makes only a few sounds or gestures (7-12 months)
  • Says only a few words (12-18 months)
  • Words are not easily understood (18 months-2 years)
  • Doesn't put words together to make sentences (2-3 years)
  • Produces speech that is unclear, even to familiar people (2-3 years)
  • Repeats first sounds of words or stretches sounds out in words (2.5-3 years)
  • Uses a hoarse, breathy, or nasal-sounding voice

In honor of Better Hearing and Speech Month and their theme of Early Intervention Counts, I'm giving away a copy of Laura Mize's Teach Me to Talk: Therapy Manual. This manual provides info on WHY we do what we do in early intervention, as well as outlines therapy goals with many examples on how to target the goals in your sessions. A $54 value! The contest will be open until May 31st. A winner will be announced on June 1st! 

Check out Part 2 of the series, Being a Bagless SLP, here
And you can find Part 3, Why We Play, here.

All information collected from ASHA's campaign: Identify the Signs.


  1. I am posting fun facts about speech, hearing, and language outside of my therapy room door at my school for BHSM!

    I'm a big fan of Laura Mize's podcasts! Would love to win this amazing resource!!

  2. Using wealth of BSHM freebies found on TPT to inform staff.

  3. I've spent BSHM educating and training parents on typical communication development and language facilitation techniques. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Working with my kids on hearing aid hygiene and advocacy.

  5. I left fliers out around my school to inform staff of what we can do.

  6. To celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month I am increasing awareness via social media to get the information out to friends and family who have young children or work with young children!

  7. I work in speech EI daily and tell my families about BHSM. Also, a friend recently got into speech in EI and referred her to ASHA for more information. In her search she found this site and giveaway! Thanks!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I will be starting an EI position this summer. I've been working in elementary schools, so this will be a new experience for me. I must admit I'm a little scared about working with such little ones!

  10. I will be starting an EI position this summer. I've been working in elementary schools, so this will be a new experience for me. I must admit I'm a little scared about working with such little ones!

  11. Pointing families to Child Find activities in my district! I <3 EI!

  12. To celebrate I am educating others by sending out fliers!
